Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Hospitality, Take Four

"....and a lovely time was had by all" when a young family joined us for the Sabbath afternoon. This particular couple just moved to our area and has been visiting our church fellowship for a month or so. They have a beautiful baby girl and are expecting a son in September. Boy, that sure takes me back...
Anyway, I haven't cooked on a Sunday afternoon in quite some time, unless I have been here tending a sick child with homemade chicken noodle soup!! So for our dining pleasure I prepared Roasted Cornish Hens, Garlic Lentils, Steamed Green and Yellow Beans, fresh French Bread. Green Salad, and Chocolate Chip Banana Cake.
Everything was delicious, or so I was told, but it was the fellowship that brought it all together. We got to peek into the lives of this couple and were humbled as they asked for our advice/opinion on certain topics.
I'm not sure if we have anyone else on the docket for the month of July, but please feel free to ask for any recipes!
Labels: food, hospitality
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Hospitality, Take Three

Remember the gals I mentioned? Well, our time together was a blast. For our tummies there was Roma salad (very simple, but very tasty), Lemon Chicken Pasta, homemade French bread, and my special Intensely Chocolate Brownies. Everything looks much more important when it's capitalized, right? Again, nothing elaborate, but it has been our experience that most people just want an opportunity to sit down together and talk about life whether it be with pizza and coke or steak tartare.
One thing we try to focus on during these times is asking key questions (open-ended ones) that allow our guests to share with us however much they wish. For example, instead of asking, "So, are you enjoying Crossway Fellowship?" we would ask, "What is it about Crossway that you enjoy?" A yes or no would answer the first question, but the second begs for elaboration. When guests perceive that you really want to know what is going on in their hearts, they will open up and allow you to minister to them and find out practical ways to serve them.
I didn't intend for this to turn into a series, per se, but we had guests in our home again after church today, so I will post that menu soon. Things around the Suburban Household are gearing up for the beginning of school, and that means posting might become even more infrequent than it already is, if that's possible!
Blessings to all y'all cybergals!
Labels: food, hospitality
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Hospitality, Take Two

So someone asked me to post the menus for our hospitality nights. But being the non-technically gifted person that I am (and I'm not bitter about that), I accidentally rejected the comment. Sorry, anonymous!
Two weeks ago we hosted another delightful couple from our church. They have two daughters, one a toddler and the other an infant- precious! Earlier that morning, I set out the chicken to thaw, so I figured on making a casserole of some sort. Then it got cloudy and rainy and cozy. Soup's on! I have a great chicken stew recipe that is filling and pretty, so I started that, along with some freshly baked yeast rolls and a green salad with lots of colorful veggies. My friend (one of our guests) called and said she would bring a chocolate cake for dessert- perfecto! The great thing about soup/stew is that it is a natural home deodorizer. When you cook that and yeast rolls, you'd better be close to serving it all up when the guests walk through the door!
So we ate. And talked. Then ate some more. And talked even more. The night was such a blessing to us. This couple was able to give us insight on a particular area of ministry where we serve in our church because they have served in that capacity in another church. It was an edifying, encouraging evening (aren't I good with alliteration?).
And now tonight we are hosting two gals from our church. One is a college student that we don't know very well (we hope to say differently after tonight), and the other is a post-college woman who is like another member of our family! I will try to post tonight's menu tomorrow. Now get up from the computer and go invite someone over to your house!
Labels: food, fun, hospitality
Sunday, July 08, 2007
So we are back from the west coast...it was great, and I hope to get some photos up here soon. In the meantime, we are trying to get back into the swing of regular hospitality here at home. We had some delightful guests over for supper last night. I cooked for a few hours, but that is not a hardship for me. Truth be told, I can get sucked in to cooking/baking very easily; I'm a "foodie", so I often have to remind myself that indeed, yes, I do have four children and a husband to care for! Food preparation is therapeutic for me (so is ironing, but that is for another post), and I find I am able to think about topics/issues in depth when it's just me, my apron, and some great praise music!
The menu? Oh, of course! I prepared a fresh, green salad with carrots, cucumbers, red peppers, and green onions; next, there was freshly baked french bread~ all soft and yeasty; the main course was fettucine with a meat sauce I made from scratch (it simmered for 3 hours- yum!); and the finishing touch was a chocolate brownie torte (recipe here). Warning: the chocolate brownie torte is very decadent and worth every minute I spent baking it!
It is amazing how simple, good food really does convey warmth, love, and friendship. I didn't make anything elaborate as far as fussiness goes. As a matter of fact, when Rob was in seminary, we would often have friends over and I would make a huge platter of pancakes and set out jugs of ice-cold milk!!
The point is this: whether you are able to serve rack of lamb or Ramen noodles, serve it with love. Not exactly a Hallmark card, but you get my meaning. Sharing the love of Christ through hospitality won't always look the same- I just happen to enjoy doing it with chocolate!
The menu? Oh, of course! I prepared a fresh, green salad with carrots, cucumbers, red peppers, and green onions; next, there was freshly baked french bread~ all soft and yeasty; the main course was fettucine with a meat sauce I made from scratch (it simmered for 3 hours- yum!); and the finishing touch was a chocolate brownie torte (recipe here). Warning: the chocolate brownie torte is very decadent and worth every minute I spent baking it!
It is amazing how simple, good food really does convey warmth, love, and friendship. I didn't make anything elaborate as far as fussiness goes. As a matter of fact, when Rob was in seminary, we would often have friends over and I would make a huge platter of pancakes and set out jugs of ice-cold milk!!
The point is this: whether you are able to serve rack of lamb or Ramen noodles, serve it with love. Not exactly a Hallmark card, but you get my meaning. Sharing the love of Christ through hospitality won't always look the same- I just happen to enjoy doing it with chocolate!
Labels: food, hospitality