Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Hospitality, Take Two

So someone asked me to post the menus for our hospitality nights. But being the non-technically gifted person that I am (and I'm not bitter about that), I accidentally rejected the comment. Sorry, anonymous!
Two weeks ago we hosted another delightful couple from our church. They have two daughters, one a toddler and the other an infant- precious! Earlier that morning, I set out the chicken to thaw, so I figured on making a casserole of some sort. Then it got cloudy and rainy and cozy. Soup's on! I have a great chicken stew recipe that is filling and pretty, so I started that, along with some freshly baked yeast rolls and a green salad with lots of colorful veggies. My friend (one of our guests) called and said she would bring a chocolate cake for dessert- perfecto! The great thing about soup/stew is that it is a natural home deodorizer. When you cook that and yeast rolls, you'd better be close to serving it all up when the guests walk through the door!
So we ate. And talked. Then ate some more. And talked even more. The night was such a blessing to us. This couple was able to give us insight on a particular area of ministry where we serve in our church because they have served in that capacity in another church. It was an edifying, encouraging evening (aren't I good with alliteration?).
And now tonight we are hosting two gals from our church. One is a college student that we don't know very well (we hope to say differently after tonight), and the other is a post-college woman who is like another member of our family! I will try to post tonight's menu tomorrow. Now get up from the computer and go invite someone over to your house!
Labels: food, fun, hospitality
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Hey Sherri!
I have been reading your blog again! I hope your family is well. My email is dsstanfield@excite.com.
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I have been reading your blog again! I hope your family is well. My email is dsstanfield@excite.com.
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