Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Hospitality, Take Four

"....and a lovely time was had by all" when a young family joined us for the Sabbath afternoon. This particular couple just moved to our area and has been visiting our church fellowship for a month or so. They have a beautiful baby girl and are expecting a son in September. Boy, that sure takes me back...
Anyway, I haven't cooked on a Sunday afternoon in quite some time, unless I have been here tending a sick child with homemade chicken noodle soup!! So for our dining pleasure I prepared Roasted Cornish Hens, Garlic Lentils, Steamed Green and Yellow Beans, fresh French Bread. Green Salad, and Chocolate Chip Banana Cake.
Everything was delicious, or so I was told, but it was the fellowship that brought it all together. We got to peek into the lives of this couple and were humbled as they asked for our advice/opinion on certain topics.
I'm not sure if we have anyone else on the docket for the month of July, but please feel free to ask for any recipes!
Labels: food, hospitality